In Memorium: Dr. Friedmann-Crescenzi and Richard Baldwin

Sometimes things you hold onto long enough become great old memories! Thanks to Daryl (Moser) Kaufman for holding onto these newspaper clippings.

The Board of Education sadly announces the deaths of two individuals who made substantial contributions over the years to the students in Ardsley: Mr. Richard Baldwin (November 13, 1978) and Dr. Katherine Friedmann Crescenzi (January 7, 1979). Mr. Baldwin came to Ardsley in 1958 with fifteen years of professional theatrical experience. During his 17 years in Ardsley he taught in the Arts and Dramatics Departments, the English and Mechanical Arts Departments, and served as Senior Play Director. He was a graduate of Syracuse University and received his Masters from CCNY in 1967.

Dr. Friedmann was a graduate of White Plains High School, Wellesley College and the Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania where she received her M.D. degree in 1952. She entered private practice in Ardsley in 1954 and was a School Physician in the Ardsley Schools from 1956 until her death.

The School Board and Staff extend their sympathy to the families of both Mr. Baldwin and Dr. Friedmann. They both will be missed by all.